Impact of Covid 19 on fundraising

We at More Strategic in collaboration with Donor Republic and Fundraising Institute Australia we conducted an online survey consisting of 423 people across 196 organisations to bring out the impact Covid 19 has on the current fundraising scenario. Get this information-packed, data-driven ebook today and know what the industry leaders are doing to navigate through the most pressing issue of our time - while still keeping their fundraising programs afloat.

Enter your details, and we will send you a FREE copy.

You will receive a link to download the eBook directly in your inbox.

Key insights presented in this FREE guide:

1. Practical Insights: Limited access to meet and gather with people - the impact on events, relationship based fundraising as well as team effectiveness.
2. Economic Insights: Impact of job losses, reduce global buying power and decline in the stock market on donations, grant, future bequest income and corporate support.
3. Psychological Insights: Impact of fear and uncertainty with a focus on self-preservation more than giving to others.
4. Leadership Insights: Managing internal expectations around having answers, impact on bottom line, sustaining teams and investing in fundraising.
5. Confidence: Fear of reduced income, lower savings, decreased investment earnings and poor economic outlook on fundraising.
6. Consequences: Ability to deliver essential services amid increased demand and saturation when everything is back to normal - it's effects on fundraising.

Watch the free information packed webinar to get more clarity on this issue.


Bonus report: How will bushfire fundraising impact your appeals?

We have just completed a nationally representative study into public attitudes and expectations arising from the bushfire appeals. In partnership with the Fundraising Institute Australia we explored:
- Who they gave to,
- How they gave,
- How and when they expect funds to be used,
- How they expect to support other causes in the future.

You may have seen some of the coverage in the Sunday papers. Grab your free report today!


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